Asked Questions
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Information You Need to Know
At The Meadows Outpatient Center, our treatment programs help adults address addictions and other disorders by getting to the core issues behind the behaviors. We work to resolve root causes so that our patients can find lasting freedom from addiction, trauma, depression, anxiety, mood disorders, and other conditions that keep them from living the life they deserve.
What is rehab?
Rehab or rehabilitation is any form of treatment or therapy for individuals who abuse substances. Rehab can also refer to a broad range of approaches used to treat a variety of emotional and physical problems.
What exactly is “intensive outpatient” treatment?
An intensive outpatient program (IOP) is often recommended when an individual requires a “step down” from one level of treatment to the next before they are ready to return home and apply their recovery skills to everyday life.
How do I know if I need an outpatient or inpatient rehab program?
If you aren’t showing progress in an outpatient program, or if it becomes unsafe for you to remain in an outpatient program, you should be admitted to an inpatient facility.
How do I know if I need rehab/treatment?
If you cannot manage or control your life because of an addiction or compulsive behavior, you may require rehab or treatment. Problem behaviors persist even when an addicted person is aware of the negative impact of their addiction. When someone starts to show signs of addiction, it is best to seek professional help.
What are some signs of addiction?
The following are common symptoms of addiction:
• The need to continue or increase use of the substance in order to achieve the desired effect.
• Experiencing withdrawal when you don’t get the substance often enough.
• Focusing your social life or work life around using the substance.
• Extreme mood changes: experiencing extreme happiness, sadness or anxiety.
• Sleeping noticeably more or less than usual – usually at abnormal times of the day or night.
• Experiencing changes in your energy level.
• Extreme weight loss or gain.
• Lying to cover up your substance use.
• Stealing the substance or money to buy the substance.
• General demeanor of secretiveness, being careful about what you say to friends or family.
What is detox?
Detox or detoxification is clearing toxins or harmful substances from the body. A detox may be done by taking supplements or drinking liquids made specifically for detoxification, fasting and/or eating prescribed foods. This flushing of toxins is vital for an individual’s health and stability. While detox may initially be uncomfortable, there are ways to lessen the discomfort. Detox can be dangerous if not supervised by a qualified medical practitioner. Detox addresses the physical issues that come with addiction. Once a patient undergoes detox from alcohol or drugs, they are then ready to begin the psychological journey of recovery.
How do I know if a program is right for me?
Different addictions call for different treatments. In order to find out what is optimal for you, discuss your situation with a qualified healthcare professional, such as a therapist, addiction counselor, psychiatrist or medical doctor. You can also call and speak to one of our admissions specialists.
Here are a few questions you can ask about a facility’s programs and services:
• Is the treatment facility licensed and well-equipped?
• How long has it been offering this kind of service?
• What kind of training do staff and employees receive?
• What is the ratio of staff to patients?
• Are the programs able to adequately address my problem or addiction?
• Does the program address specific issues, such as core trauma?
• Can the staff administer medical detoxification services, if necessary?
• Do the program follow a 12-Step models or incorporate those principles?
• Does the facility embrace the use of Somatic Experiencing, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) methodologies?
• Does the program have a family component?
• Has the facility’s treatment model been tested over time?
• Does the facility incorporate holistic practices such as yoga, tai chi, acupuncture or meditation?
Our Program:
How do I pay for treatment?
The Meadows Outpatient Centers accept private payment and we also work with a potential patient’s insurance company to help them get the most from their benefits. To see which insurance providers are in-network with our services, click here.
What is The Meadows Intensive Outpatient Program’s success rate? How do I know that I’ll be “cured”?
Most addictions, no matter what kind, have no definitive “cure,” only ongoing recovery. At The Meadows Intensive Outpatient Program, we base our success rate on our high rating in three areas: the number of alumni who recommend our program to friends and relatives; the number of referrals we get from other treatment facilities; and the number of patients referred to us by therapists and other medical practitioners.
Who are Senior Fellows?
Our Senior Fellows are industry experts with decades of research and experience who help the executive team refine The Meadows Model. The Senior Fellows also provide specialized education to staff members, healthcare professionals, clients, family members, and alumni through the Meadows Intensive Outpatient Program.
What makes The Meadows Outpatient Center treatment experience unique is that our senior fellows are directly involved in the clinical formulation of our IOP model. Many treatment centers in the country use materials created by The Meadows’ Senior Fellows, but at our outpatient center these same leading experts conduct workshops, lectures, and other events.
Should my family be involved in my treatment?
Family involvement is crucial during the recovery process. Most treatment facilities have a set period of time for the family to visit and participate in workshops or lectures. Addiction often stems from issues within the family, so it’s essential to understand family dynamics and provide a space for the family to communicate and heal. Not only does this help the healing process for the patient, but it helps the entire family, too.
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