Eating Disorders

Group therapy PHP


A dangerous — even deadly — mental health issue

It is estimated that 9% of the U.S. population, or 28.8 million Americans, will have an eating disorder in their lifetime.

 National Eating Disorders Association


An eating disorder is any of a range of psychological disorders characterized by abnormal or disturbed eating habits. This pattern of eating leads to disruption in someone’s behaviors, thinking, and mood. It also negatively impacts interpersonal relationships, school, work, and physical health. Similar to other addictions, those with an eating disorder will continue the harmful behaviors despite physical and personal consequences. Eating disorders affect people of all genders, ages, races, ethnicities, body shapes, weights, sexual orientations, and socioeconomic statuses. They carry with them an increased risk for both suicide and medical complications. Fortunately, full recovery from an eating disorder is possible, but early detection and intervention are important.



“Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by weight loss (or lack of appropriate weight gain in growing children); difficulties maintaining an appropriate body weight for height, age, and stature; and, in many individuals, distorted body image,” according to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA). Those with anorexia commonly restrict calories and/or the types of foods they eat. Compulsive exercise, purging, and bingeing can also be characteristics of the disorder. Anorexia can cause lasting harm to the body and in some cases even lead to death.


Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder that involves incidences of overeating (bingeing) and subsequent purging through self-induced vomiting and the use of laxatives and diuretics. Other purging behaviors may include fasting and vigorous exercise, prompting comparisons to anorexia. Professional care is usually required to break the addictive binge/purge cycle and address not just the behavior but the underlying causes.

Binge eating disorder

Binge eating disorder (BED) is a condition in which individuals repeatedly consume large amounts of food as a result of compulsion, not hunger. This also involves eating faster than usual and eating until uncomfortably full. BED often coincides with mental health conditions like depression and anxiety, and binge eating episodes result in the individual feeling shame, guilt, and disgust over his or her lack of control over eating. According to the National Institute on Biotechnology, BED will affect roughly 3% of US adults at some point in their lives and is recognized as the most common eating disorder.

Other Eating Disorders

Generally, the need for clinical intervention and treatment rests on four factors: the presence of any other medical or psychiatric conditions, the severity of the condition, the degree of disruption to daily life, and the acuity of the distress the individual is experiencing. In addition to anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder, other eating disorders that an individual may suffer from include pica, rumination disorder, avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID), other specified feeding or eating disorder (OSFED), as well as unspecified eating disorders.

What are the warning signs of eating disorders?

  • Chapped lips and gray skin
  • Fainting spells from malnutrition and dehydration
  • Hair loss
  • Irregular or absent menstrual cycles
  • Disrupted sleep patterns
  • Musculoskeletal injuries and pain from excessive exercise
  • Dental erosions from self-induced vomiting
  • Chronic constipation, gastroesophageal reflux, and other gastrointestinal problems
  • Markedly low blood pressure and pulse
  • Prone to upper respiratory infections
  • Low energy
  • Overall poor health

What are the dangers of eating disorders?

An eating disorder can quickly take on a life of its own. The treatment process can be started by contacting the individual’s primary care physician for a physical evaluation, including laboratory studies and an EKG. Then it’s time to find the appropriate level of treatment from therapy sessions to outpatient, partial hospitalization, residential, or inpatient care. This is determined by the severity of the issue as well as other factors. Eating disorders can be successfully treated, especially when they are caught early, but it’s important to get help as soon as possible.

Partial Hospitalization program (PHP) for Eating disorders

Who and what We treat:

  • Anorexia
  • Bulimia
  • Binge Eating Disorder
  • Other Eating Disorders


Reach Out Today

No matter what you’ve been through, it is possible to gain the courage to face difficult issues, become accountable for your own feelings and behaviors, heal, and enjoy a full life in recovery.
