FOR Families
Help and healing for loved ones, too
Addiction and Mental Illness Impact US ALL
No man is an island. We live in community, and when we hurt, that pain is felt by those who care about us as well. Watching someone you love struggle with addiction, trauma, or mental health issues is difficult. Seeing them head to treatment can be an emotional experience. While treatment at The Meadows Outpatient Center can help empower individuals to begin dealing with their issues, we recognize this has already been having a profound effect on their partners, children, parents, and siblings. That’s why we feel it’s so important for families and loved ones to be part of the treatment process whenever possible.
Learn a Better Way
We know addiction is a family disease. That’s why we work with spouses, partners, and loved ones, including them in the treatment process, so that there can be healing for everyone involved. The Meadows IOP Family Program encourages each patient’s family members and significant others to:
- Become involved in the treatment process
- Become active in self-help support groups to reinforce healthy, non-enabling interaction with patients
- To begin or continue their own program of recovery

Family Group Options
We offer two different family groups to meet a variety of needs for loved ones of those in treatment.
MulTI-Family Group
Learning effective communication skills is a high priority during the family issues group. We believe it is very empowering to learn how to talk to one another in a healthy, clear, assertive manner that yields positive results. Every week, one session is devoted to the multi-family group and family members attend with the patient. If the patient’s family members live out of state, we can involve them remotely through online video conferencing while local families are encouraged to attend sessions each week. These sessions are free of charge to family members with a loved one currently enrolled in our outpatient programs.

Family Recovery Group
This weekly group meeting just for family members is facilitated by a Meadows-trained, experienced family therapist whose goal is to help family members learn how to be helpful, how to stop enabling, and how to switch the focus from the patient to their own recovery. This is a safe place to ask questions and get answers, interact with others going through similar situations, and find plenty of mutual support.
Family Resources
These additional books, websites, and DVDs can help provide additional insight and information as you strive to learn more about your loved one’s condition.
Facing Codependency by Pia Mellody
Facing Love Addiction by Pia Mellody
The Intimacy Factor by Pia Mellody
Codependent No More by Melody Beattie
Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How to Say No to Take Control of Your Life by Henry Cloud and John Townsend
Unspoken Legacy: Addressing the Impact of Trauma and Addiction within the Family by Claudia Black
Pleasure Unwoven by Kevin McCauley, MD

If you are concerned about a loved one, our Admissions team is here to help 24 hours a day and is experienced in assisting others with compassion, dignity, and respect — hallmark values of The Meadows for more than 40 years. When you call, an admissions specialist will lead you through a series of questions to determine if The Meadows IOP program is a good fit for your loved one, and how soon your treatment can begin.
Reach out today.