Turning Setbacks into a Comeback

By Aleah Johnson, Director of Alumni Outreach and Development Setbacks in recovery are pretty much inevitable; nobody is immune to them or their unforeseeable effects. They can range from major occurrences, such as the loss of a loved one, to minor ones, such as having a headache to the point where you cannot function effectively […]

Functional Adulthood as a Spiritual Practice

By Nancy Minister, Workshop Facilitator, Rio Retreat Center at The Meadows In this Mindful Monday series, we have presented many different ways of being mindful and many different benefits of having a mindfulness practice. We know that mindfulness is a deliberate practice and a deliberate experience of being present in the moment. Today, I’m excited […]

Strengths and Weaknesses As A Spiritual Role In Recovery

By Nancy Greenlee, LPC, The Meadows Therapist Once a month, the Workshop team is treated to a consultation from Pia Mellody, the creator of the Survivors workshop treatment model. She makes herself available, both to consult on clinical cases, answer and process questions and to inspire us with her wise adages for the spirituality of […]

Building a Recovery Tribe with Senior Fellow Jenni Schaefer

While building a tribe can be scary at times, like other things in recovery, it can also be exciting. Our best friends were once strangers, ones we probably met because we weren’t staring at our screens. Now, go: put your phone down (unless you’re attending an online meeting), and build your village. That’s what it […]