The Murray Method, Trauma Eggs, and The 30 Task Model

“The Murray Method is unsurpassed in its rapid ability to reveal the past in the present. By accessing the right side of the brain, implicit memories sequestered long ago are revealed and regulated. This powerful process facilitates neural integration necessary for long-term change. Everyone should experience this modality!” – Alexandra KatehakisClinical Director, Center for Healthy […]

Benzos: The Common Dangers of a Common Drug

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, prescription drug abuse is the fastest-growing drug problem in the United States. Some of the most commonly prescribed drugs are benzodiazepines (a.k.a. benzos). As the number of these prescriptions has grown, so has the abuse. Some types of benzos are more commonly misused recreationally, often in […]

The Meadows Outpatient Program Is More Than An IOP

By David Anderson, Former Meadows Executive Director We often refer to The Meadows Outpatient Center as an “Intensive Outpatient Center,” or IOP… ….which it is. However, in reality, the Meadows Outpatient Center is much more than what most people think of when they refer to an IOP. We like to think of our program as […]

Better Treatment Options for Military Service Members and Veterans

Research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2015 showed that the most commonly used treatments for PTSD—cognitive processing therapy (CPT) and prolonged exposure therapy (PE) may not be as effective as those in the medical community had hoped. Meanwhile, the number of American military veterans who struggle with PTSD and related […]

Be the Dad You Always Wanted to Be

By Clint Fletcher According to the US Census Bureau, there are over 70 million fathers living in the United States. And according to the National Association for Children of Addiction (NACOA), 1 in 4 kids has a parent addicted to drugs or alcohol, which adds up to more than 18 million children total. While fathers […]

The Difference Between Habit and Addiction

The best way to stop doing something may be to start doing something else in its place. For those of us who have struggled with addiction, we know just how easy it is to confuse addictive behavior with habit. In most cases, addictions start off as habits before moving into destructive territory. Separating the two […]