Putting the “Care” in Healthcare

Here at Meadows Behavioral Healthcare (MBH), our goal is to provide patients with the best of the best. With more than 40 years of experience and the nation’s top mental healthcare and addiction professionals, we are trusted by clinicians and patients all over the world. This National Healthcare Quality Week, we want to take a […]

Xylazine (aka Tranq Dope): What You Need to Know

What is xylazine? It’s a new drug being mixed with fentanyl that has very dangerous side effects. It’s often called “tranq dope” or “zombie drug” because it’s a non-opioid sedative. Because it’s not a narcotic, its effects can’t be reversed with a dose of naloxone (Narcan), meaning that overdoses can easily end up being fatal. Beyond that, it causes the death of soft tissue, leading to gruesome, blackened wounds that can warrant amputation.

Why Is It So Hard to Stop Using Drugs?

It’s probably the No. 1 question we hear from family members or loved ones of those with a substance use disorder: Why is quitting drugs so hard? It would be great if there was a simple answer. Both biological and psychological factors play into the “why” questions of drug addiction. Not only does your brain chemistry change when using drugs, but there are the underlying causes of why the drug usage started in the first place. In order to break the cycle of addiction, both factors need to be addressed together.